
The Fund was established in 2008 as an open-ended investment fund organized under the SIF Law.

Primatum FCP Specialized Investment Fund has been duly established under the form of a mutual investment fund (fonds commun de placement or FCP) organised as an umbrella specialized investment fund (fonds d’investissement spécialisé) under the law of February 13, 2007 on specialized investment funds (fonds d’investissement specialise) as amended on April 1, 2012, on August 12, 2008.

The Fund is divided into two Sub- funds:

  • Croatia Sub-Fund:Date of registration, August 2008
  • Hungary Turnaround Fund: Date of registration, December 2009

Present investors of the Fund:

  • Pension reform and Debt reducing fund- Hungarian Government
  • Private health insurance fund.
  • Hungarian (county municipality) Micro Finance Association

The Fund is an unincorporated co-ownership of securities and other assets, managed in the interest of its co-owners by the Management Company, named Primatum Fund Management S.á r.l.

The present objective of the Fund is in the long run by investing and developing principally in real estate development and as well as in other fields of business like, healthcare, printing and new innovative technologies in Croatia and in Hungary.

Investment Strategy

Selection criteria:

  • Professional and experienced management and advisors
  • Product / service with strong local demand or being globally competitive Companies / projects with well-defined core competences
  • Above average grow prospects and or expansion opportunities
  • Transparent operations
  • Reasonable valuation
  • The Fund is willing to purchase majority and or significant minority share in investee companies

Sectors in which the Fund is present in:

  • Mining
  • Utilities
  • Tourism
  • Waste recycling
  • Real estate development
  • Commodities

Countries of presence:

  • Luxembourg
  • Lichtenstein
  • Croatia
  • Hungary



Investing in tourism and real estate opportunities

  • Form: A mutual investment fund, Specialized Investment Fund (SIF,
    Luxembourg Law, 2007), FCP (Fonds Commun de placement) / investment notes
  • Investment Objective: The Sub-Fund is specializing in real estate investments mainly in leisure, hospitality and tourism related assets
  • Investment Region: Principally Croatia


Investing in future growth opportunities

  • Form: A mutual investment fund, Specialized Investment Fund (SIF,
    Luxembourg Law, 2007), FCP (Fonds Commun de placement) / investment notes
  • Investment Objective: The Sub-Fund is specializing in turnaround companies and in project developments
  • Investment Region: Principally Hungary


  • Extensive insight of the market
  • Highly qualified experts and professionals
  • Outstanding knowledge of the local markets
  • Continuous deal access
  • High quality deal flow from small to mid-cap opportunities
  • Best practice deal selection and evaluation process
  • Outstanding risk management
  • Regulated and tax efficient structure
  • Incorporated in Luxemburg as FCP – SIF
  • Only top ranked tier service provider – finance, legal and tax

Why Luxembourg?

Luxembourg is the leading investment fund centre in Europe and second only in the world behind the United States. The reason for this is a highly tuned legal and regulatory framework that combines rigorous investor protection with an unequalled degree of flexibility in fund design, a flexibility that allows products to be tailored to the needs of a specific market or client group. The availability of a wide range of specialised service providers enables fund promoters to subcontract non-core activities and hence benefit from economies of scale. Luxembourg specialises in the administration and cross-border distribution of investment funds and has become the platform of choice for promoters wishing to market their investment funds worldwide.

The Euro area’s leading international financial centre, Luxembourg is today globally recognized as an ideal platform to assist companies, governments and investors around the world to meet their sustainable development targets.

Luxembourg has a long-established track record as the location of choice for sustainable and impact investment funds, with a total market share of 39% of responsible investment funds in European, over 60% of European impact funds as well as over 60% of global microfinance assets, and has been a pioneer in the area of sustainable finance labels for more than a decade. Moreover, half the world’s listed green bonds are listed in Luxembourg, with the Luxembourg Stock Exchange offering a dedicated platform for green securities as well as social and sustainable bonds.

Benefits of regulated funds:

The Specialised Investment Fund (SIF) is a regulated, operationally flexible and fiscally efficient multipurpose investment fund regime for an international, institutional and qualified investor base. In comparison with institutional funds created under Part II of the Law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment, the SIF is characterised by greater flexibility with regard to the investment policy and a more relaxed regulatory regime.
Investment in a SIF is reserved for “well-informed” investors requiring a limited level of protection and looking for investment flexibility suitable to their particular expertise and needs.

A SIF may take the legal form of a common fund (FCP – fonds commun de placement) or may be constituted as an investment company (SICAV – Société d’investissement à capital variable or SICAF – Société d’investissement à capital fixe). Other legal forms are possible.
The FCP has no legal personality and thus must be managed by a management company.
These different entities may be set up as a single fund or as an umbrella fund consisting of multiple compartments, each with a different investment policy. The compartment of an umbrella SIF can invest in one or more other compartments of the same SIF. The fund and compartments respectively may have an unlimited number of share classes, depending on the needs of the investors to whom the fund is distributed.

The structures may be open-ended or closed-ended, for both subscriptions and redemptions




Alter Domus Alternative Asset Fund Administration S.á.r.l.
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg


Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A.
BJNP Audit


BJNP Audit – cabinet de révision agréé
Atoz Tax Advisers Luxemburg

Tax Advisor

Atoz Tax Advisers Luxemburg


PRIMATUM FCP Specialized Investment Fund registered office at:

5 rue Guillaume Kroll, L-1882 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B 141.268
